All “Star Wars” films come to 4K UHD Blu-ray March



The remaining films in the “Star Wars” film franchise – so far – are all coming to 4K UHD Blu-ray on March 31st it seems, via Disney, according to retailer listings. There will first be a very lavish, expensive box set available (seemingly exclusive) at retailer Best Buy called “The Skywalker Saga” (pictured above) which is now available for preorder. That Skywalker Saga set will include Episodes 1-9 of the films, as well as two Blu-ray Disc counterparts for each film, filled with bonus materials – yet to be detailed. Stay tuned for further details regarding this release as it develops.

Now, as of today, there also are most certainly individual releases for Episodes 1-7 coming to 4K UHD Blu-ray on March 31st as well as the film “Rogue One – A Star Wars Story” (2016). It’s certainly worth noting that these titles are now all listed over at retailer Best Buy, individually. So, as you’d expect I’ll be listing the films coming out in theatrical chronological order with direct links to the Best Buy preorder listings – not yet functional but currently placeholder pages. UPDATED: I am now adding Amazon preorder listings to this post as they are getting listed.

NOTE: The final film in the Skywalker Saga (“Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker”) has been announced officially, as you can read HERE in my previous news post regarding it. This story regarding the individual releases is still developing, so once again, stay tuned.